The Triangle
Dirty money, here’s how to clean it.
The Circle
The desert is no place to get lost
The Square
Weapons of Mass Destruction; don’t let them get on your nerves
The Ox Stunner
The Triangle Trilogy
Thick enough to stun an ox
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Edge Booster
Ever needed that little boost? Jacked into a ‘droid’s OS? Crashed a get rich quick scheme? Tapped into the secrets of the UK and the USA governments? Reprogrammed nanobots? Headed off a missile from the desert? Scraped coverup paint off an attack helicopter? Lived a native American dream?
You’re just the kind of person we need as a recruit. An Edge person. Now you need the guidebooks. Guidebooks to Life on the Edge.
Get rich quick with cybercash – just don’t tell GCHQ
How to boost your metabolism; just stay away from the edge
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